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Name:   Martins Cove The author of this post is registered as a member - Email Member
Subject:   New Bridge
Date:   10/29/2005 1:43:00 AM

You know, Tim's a friend of mine as well. There's no need to bring him into this. He doesn't have a dog in this fight unless he wants to bring one in.
Apparently you didn't read the entire thread where I explained where the term came from. Since you obviously didn't see it there, it was from an old man whose been dead a year now. And yes, I not only responded to Tim in the forum, I also talked to him about it. It was a good natured jab.

Call me what you want and yes, you're right, we (those of us with interests on the other side since you seem to be wrapped up in symantics) do want a shortcut. That's what bridges usually do, they provide a shortcut, a shorter route, a shorter way for people to get from one place to another. They provide a shorter route for increased business and movement of goods from manufacturer to customer. They make it easier for customers to get to a business. They provide better access for all purposes. This is the very nature of a bridge, a shortcut. To where really doesn't matter.

Most large lakes in the United States have a bridge every 20-30 miles at a minimum and they suffer no ill effects from them or the goods that cross them daily (Tennessee River is an excellent example, Eagles nesting 1/4 mile from the US 431 bridge at Guntersville State Park). This lake is no different except that it has 1 bridge in 50 miles. If the ferry was so good, then why would a bridge be so bad? It's using the same existing roads the ferry did and providing the same passage. I know, I know, noise scaring eagles and fertilizer spilling every where. I guess the diesel fumes, noise, and oily water were much better with the ferry.

The facts are the facts. It's a private group that has acquired the private funding. It is a private bridge proposal. Talladega County government has not levied a tax for the bridge. Even if they had, it would have to have been voted on. So, using your argument, the people must have agreed to this additional tax on themselves through their votes. But I guess they could never have done that because nobody on the Talladega side, according to you, even wants this bridge. No, they want to stay in 1960 while the world passes them by. It's easier that way, you know.

As for property values, more traffic means more property value, no matter which side you're on. This is another simple fact. For sale, right this minute, is 155 acres just South of the proposed bridge location on the Talladega side. It has 1.25 miles of shoreline with 2 sloughs. The asking price? 2.2 million. That's $14193.54 PER ACRE. That's speculating on the bridge being built. Land that a few years ago was worth maybe $1500-$2000 an acre is now $14000 an acre.That's pretty impressive, a 600% increase in market value for something that's not even built yet and has no existing acces to the road nor utilities run. Wonder what that farm land on the Shelby side right where the road already exists is currently worth? I bet it's a LOT higher than it was 5 years ago judging by the comps. Nah, I guess values will go way down're right.

Keeping the lake clean is good for every one. It can be done in harmony with development as long as there's prudent planning. However, I guarantee you're not going to stop development, bridge or not. It's quite pointless to get so worked up about it. As I keep saying, why not plan for it and control it when it does come...and it's coming. In fact, it's coming more in Shelby County than most other places in the Southeast except Charlotte, NC. So, in reality, bridge or not, your worst nightmare is staring you right in the face...more people wanting on the lake and no controls on the growth through proper planning. Without the bridge, they pile up like lemings on the Shelby side with no place to go. Hmmm.

You hear that strange popping noise? It's a paradign shifting...without a clutch. In a hurry to mow the grass...that's a witty one. Thank you sir, may I have another!

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